There's been some cornfusion about the fluorescence of pyromorphite lately in the Fluorescent Minerals Facebook Group. I'll try and summarize, but invite others to wikify. For our purposes the nicest pyromorphite comes from the Bunker Hill Mine, Kellogg, Idaho, from...
Cuspidine under Longwave UV
We have a bunch of folks attending the Franklin "SuperDigg" this April (2017). Many of them are carrying the new Convoy 365nm LW flashlight (see the GlowNotes article on this light) so I thought it would be nice to give folks an idea of what many of the minerals they...
Esperite under Longwave UV
We have a bunch of folks attending the Franklin "SuperDigg" this April (2017). Many of them are carrying the new Convoy 365nm LW flashlight (see the GlowNotes article on this light) so I thought it would be nice to give folks an idea of what many of the minerals they...