Spodumene var. Kunzite Dara-I-Pech
This is the tip of a large kunzite crystal (130 * 30 *5 mm) in halogen light, 365 nm Convoy S2+, and MW-UV respectively. When lighted with halogen from below, through the base of the crystal along the c-axis, the color deepens dramatically, due to pleochromism. The...
Alive and fluorescing… coral
At the Maui Ocean Center in Malaea... Not to be missed: fluorescing coral! Quite a few species appear to fluoresce in long wave UV. Strictly speaking they're not minerals yet, but they could be found as such in a few eons.This article was originally published on...
Diamonds are forever
Diamonds can fluoresce in almost any color. A little creativity ... and there we are.This article was originally published on Nature's Rainbow by Axel Emmermann.
Fluorescent Display at the TGMS 2022
After a one-year postponement, the 50th anniversary of the FMS was celebrated at the 2022 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show® hosted by the Tucson Gem and Mineral Society (TGMS). “The Show That Glows.” The Fluorescent Mineral Society Pavilion, held in the newly finished...
I built a beautiful fluorescent display: what do I use for a front panel?
Folks are very creative and we’ve seen some great displays filled with glowing rocks and lit by powerful UV lights. But, as we know, UV can be dangerous to your eyes; viewers must be protected from the harmful UV rays. And a front cover helps keep that pesky dust and...
What is Thermoluminescence?
Thermoluminescence is phosphorescence triggered by temperatures above a certain threshold. This should not be confused with incandescence, which occurs at higher temperatures. In thermoluminescence, heat is not the primary source of the energy, only the trigger for...
Fluorescence in Diamonds
This is an archive of an excellent post in our Fluorescent Minerals Facebook group by Richard David Armstrong.Blue fluorescent diamond under longwave UV light. Photo credit: Svetozar Simov.There have been a couple posts on diamonds the past couple days, so thought I'd...
Topaz from the Zapot pegmatite, Nevada, USA
A broken piece of a topaz crystal, bluish in daylight, with a surprisingly bright yellow fluorescence under longwave UV light. From: Zapot pegmatite, Gillis Range, Fitting Mining District, Mineral County, Nevada, USA.A miniature piece: 4 x 3 x 2 cm, 49 g.MinID:...
Willemite, Calcite & Dioptase from Gotala, Republic of the Congo
A streak of light green willemite crystal on a calcite matrix with a few, deep green, gemmy dioptase crystals as special guests. The willemite crystals are quite small, between 1 and 2 mm, but are all well formed, translucent, light green in color and there are scores...
Scheelite from Chenzhou, Hunan, China
Little cluster of well formed scheelite crystals. Dark colored in daylight, they fluoresce the typical bright blue under shortwave UV light and a quite nice orange/red under midwave UV light (a bit overexposed in the photo…). The blue shortwave fluorescence is...