UV Waves is the bi-monthly e-magazine of the FMS. Although most of the articles are written by members, anyone may submit material for publication. UV Waves is highly illustrated by photographs, and pertinent graphs and tables.
The broadly-based content is scientific, educational and informative, and features information about the effects of the entire electromagnetic spectrum on minerals, flora and fauna. UV Waves approaches these effects from the points of view of geology, mineralogy, chemistry, physics and biology.
Typical subjects include the study of specific fluorescent minerals, important historical locations, and technical data about luminescence, methods of illumination and photography. We include reports of collecting trips and FMS Chapter activities. Special columns appear at regular intervals; the Query Quarry presents discussion by experts in response to questions from readers. Every Fluorescent Tells a Story (EFTAS) welcomes submissions about fascinating fluorescent rocks with interesting back-stories, accompanied by quality photos. Extended articles about special material appear in separate supplements.
Submission of material for publication, questions, and comments may be directed to uvwaves@uvminerals.org.
The archives of UV Waves are available on this page to FMS members only.