Fluorescent Mineral Database

A new secret project! Trying to create a nice Fluorescent Mineral Database (FMDB), which would be searchable by mineral, locality, and luminescence properties. Also making it easy for people to contribute with their own specimens!

Anthophyllite, Clino-suenoite, and Tremolite from the International Talc Company Mine, New York, USA

Contributed by: Simone Conti
minID: 7H1-1UY
Date: Dec 01st, 2024
Locality: International Talc Company Mine (Reynolds Mine), Talcville, Edwards, St. Lawrence County, New York, USA (See on Mindat)
Size: 6 x 2 x 10 x cm
Weight: 145 g

Tremolite mixed with “tirodite”, i.e. anthopyllite and/or clino-suenoite. Under long wave UV light the tremolite fluoresces yellow/orange while the antophyllite/clino-suenoite fluoresces red/violet. Under shortwave UV light or 405nm laser the red/violet essentially disappears and the whole specimen fluoresces yellow/orange. As far as I know it is not possible to distinguish the anthopyllite from the clino-suenoite without elemental analysis.

Normal light.
Normal light.
Fluorescence under longwave UV light.
Fluorescence under longwave UV light.
Normal light.
Normal light.
Fluorescence under longwave UV light.
Fluorescence under longwave UV light.

Summary of luminescence responses:


  • Fluorescence under Longwave (365nm LED) UV light: Red
  • Fluorescence under Longwave (365nm LED) UV light: Red
  • Fluorescence under Longwave (365nm LED) UV light: Orange