Scapolite on Calcite from Afghanistan
Contributed by: Simone Conti
minID: RQ8-A7U
Date: Dec 03rd, 2024
Locality: Kokcha Valley, Badakhshan, Afghanistan (See on Mindat)
Size: 6 x 9 x 13 x cm
Weight: 0.8 kg
A single, large scapolite crystal, likely marialite, on calcite matrix. The crystal measures about 3.5cm by 1.5cm. The scapolite fluoresces very bright yellow under longwave UV light, while the calcite matrix fluoresces red, best under midwave UV light. The fluorescence photo is taken under both mid and long wave UV.
Summary of luminescence responses:
- Fluorescence under Longwave (365nm LED) UV light: Yellow
- Fluorescence under Midwave (305nm Lamp/Mercury) UV light: Yellow
- Fluorescence under Midwave (305nm Lamp/Mercury) UV light: Red