Fluorescent Mineral Database

A new secret project! Trying to create a nice Fluorescent Mineral Database (FMDB), which would be searchable by mineral, locality, and luminescence properties. Also making it easy for people to contribute with their own specimens!

Selenite from the Red River Floodway, Winnipeg, Canada

Contributed by: Simone Conti
minID: 7PM-PMC
Date: Dec 03rd, 2024
Locality: Red River Floodway, Winnipeg, Winnipeg Metro Region, Manitoba, Canada (See on Mindat)
Size: 6 x 6 x 7.5 x cm
Weight: 157.4 g

A classical specimen from a classical locality. Very clear and transparent, lightly amber colored, crystals of gypsum, var selenite. Fluorescent the typical light blue under either shortwave or longwave UV light, with long-lasting green phosphorescence. I particularly like the esthetic of this specimen, with its main crystal nicely balanced on a rosette of smaller intersecting crystals.

Normal light.
Normal light.
Fluorescence under longwave UV light.
Fluorescence under longwave UV light.

Summary of luminescence responses:


  • Fluorescence under Longwave (365nm LED) UV light: Blue
  • Afterglow after exposure to Longwave (365nm LED) UV light: Green